Accessibility Statement

The Municipality of Nafplio undertakes to make the relevant website: accessible, in accordance with the provisions of Law 4727/2020 (Government Gazette 184 A' 23-09-2020), Chapter H' "DIGITAL ACCESSIBILITY (INCORPORATION INTO GREEK LEGISLATION OF DIRECTIVE (EU) 2016/21002, OF 26 OCTOBER 2016, ON THE ACCESSIBILITY OF WEBSITES AND APPLICATIONS FOR PORTABLE DEVICES OF PUBLIC SECTOR BODIES", incorporated in national legal order Directive (EU) 2016/ 2012, as applicable.

This statement of accessibility on the website

Compliance status

The website complies with the EN 301 549 V3.2.1 (2021-03) standard (Articles 41 of Law 4727/2020 and 6 of Directive (EE) 2016/2102).
In particular, the website has integrated the UserWay Website Accessibility Widget, which is prominently located on every page and is powered by a dedicated server (offering a range of functions for use by people with disabilities - including those with visual, hearing, known and motor function). With this Widget, most accessibility issues for Level AA of WCAG 2.1 are resolved.

Preparation of this accessibility statement

This statement was drawn up on 22-03-2024. The assessment of the website's compliance was made based on the directives of Directive (EU) 2016/2102 and the WCAG 2.1 guides (Level A and AA) and was carried out:

    with a self-assessment conducted by the website design and development contractor and
    using contract tools with European legislation.

Enable the Accessibility Menu

You can activate the accessibility menu of the website by clicking on the menu icon that appears at the perimeter of the page. After enabling it, wait a while for it to load in its entirety.

Submit comments and contact information

The Municipality of Nafplion ensures the continuous improvement of the accessibility of the website, always with the aim of ensuring parity and seamless use by everyone, regardless of their physical abilities or technology.
In an ongoing effort to continually improve and fix any issues, we regularly scan your website with the accessibility scanner to identify and fix any potential website issues. Despite our efforts to make all pages and content on the Site and App fully accessible, some content may not yet be fully adapted to the strictest accessibility standards.
According to the provisions of sec. b', par. 4 of art. 42 and in par. 1 no. 45 Law 4727/2020 (Government Gazette 184 A' 23-09-2020), every interested party has the right to submit comments or a request for information regarding the compliance status or a request for additional information.
In order for us to improve the accessibility of the content, you can highlight the problems you are experiencing or request access to information or documents that are not accessible.
The competent Service for accessibility issues and for processing related requests is the Software Department, which you can contact electronically at the e-mail:

Execution process

The answer communicated to you in a convenient way as soon as possible.
In case of an unsatisfactory answer, you have the right to distance yourself from the competent institutional authorities, by submitting reports to the Ombudsman (
